Genre: Childrens, Racing
Release Year: 2001
Developer: Attention To Detail
Publisher: Lego Software
Age Rating: Everyone
Playability Status: Perfect
Tested On: Windows 8 x64
Availability: Copyright retained - Out of print/unavailable
Kids these days eh? When I was a child, Lego races took place on the carpet and involved a lot of pushing around little Lego models and a healthy chunk of imagination. Nowadays of course, you can simulate said Lego racing on your computer, with a copy of Lego Racers 2. While the computer version can be fun, we can’t help but hope the traditional method still has its place. If you have a copy of this game and a modern PC, getting it going again is now easy and it’s a great way to keep the kids entertained on a rainy afternoon.
The most difficult thing about playing Lego Racers 2 on a modern PC is getting the game installed. Using the installer provided on the CD, most users will get a “Not enough memory” error, despite having more than ample computer memory to run this title. The problem is due to a programming error, modern PCs have so much more memory now than in 2001 that the installer just gets confused.
Various solutions around the web range from setting compatibility modes (didn’t work for us) to physically yanking memory chips out of your computer. None of the proposed solutions seemed acceptable, so we’ve re-written the installer for the game. Our replacement installer will work on any PC, regardless of how much memory you have installed. You can download it here (link dead? Let me know here).
Once you have downloaded the installer, simply pop your Lego Racers 2 CD-ROM in your optical drive and run the installer. Follow all the on screen prompts and the game should be installed within a couple of minutes. If you have any issues with the installer please leave a comment and let us know.
Once the game is installed, you can launch it from the Start menu or Start screen by searching for “Lego Racers 2” and clicking the icon that then appears.
Tweaking visual quality
Before you hit the race track, there are some visual quality options you may want to tweak, to stop the game from looking quite so blocky (except where it is supposed to, of course). From the main menu, choose “Game Options” and then “Graphics”. The following options will then appear (click on the picture to see a bigger version).
For best quality, crank up “Detail Level” and “Image Quality” to the maximum and turn down “Compression” to the very minimum setting. Screen resolution should also generally be turned up as high as possible, as long as your monitor supports the selected screen mode. Screen resolution maxed out on our rig at 1024×768, though the readme file included with the game seemed to suggest it should go higher. Lego Racers 2 is a 4:3 aspect ratio (non-widescreen) game and should run with borders on the sides when played on a widescreen monitor or TV.
Tweaking sound quality
From the main menu, choose “Game Options” and then “Sound”. Simply make sure this is set to High. There are no surround sound soundtracks or other quality settings to configure this time.
After you have configured game options, don’t forget to save. You can do this by selecting “Load / Save” from the games main menu. The game does NOT automatically save options or progress, so remember to save after you progress through the game too.
The games configuration files and save games are placed in your documents folder under “Games\Lego Racers 2\Saved Games”. The file “LR2.cfg” that the game creates contains all your preferences. Unfortunately, the file is not in a human readable format, so it’s not possible to edit the file by hand and reconfigure any hidden options this time.
Configuring controllers
Lego Racers 2 fully supports analogue controllers, with only a couple of caveats which we will get to in a moment. To configure your controller, select “Game Options” from the games main menu and then “Controls”. You will now need to choose player 1 or player 2, since the game can be played split-screen by two players.
The controls map fairly well to the Xbox 360 pad. Make sure to set the “A / D” option to “Analog”. We set up the controls like this:-
Accelerate – RT
Brake – LT
Reverse – Y (Yellow)
Fire Weapon – X (Blue)
Brick Boost – A (Green)
Talk – B (Red)
Look Behind – Back
Next Target – RB
Previous Target – LB
When you configure the controls in game like that, it should look like the picture shown below.
There are three problems we encountered when using the 360 controller. First of all, the dead zone (the amount the stick needs to be moved before registering any movement) seemed to be a little too small. While playing, our little Lego mini-figure seemed to always lean either left or right. Secondly, the D-pad isn’t recognised at all by the game. Thirdly, and by far the worst problem is that clicking the left analogue stick will pause the game. It is very easy to accidentally click the stick as you race and children in particular may find it too frustrating to play like this.
If you cannot get used to not clicking your stick, you can switch to keyboard controls instead, though this limits you to digital controls only. You can still use a gamepad when the game is in keyboard input mode by using Xpadder or a similar tool.
Remember, when you are done configuring controls, don’t forget to save your game from the “Save / Load” option on the main menu.
Other bits and pieces of note
Press F10 at any time during play to take a screenshot of your game, this is saved to the Games\Lego Racers 2 folder in your documents folder.
Maybe we’re just rusty, but we actually found this game somewhat difficult compared to other child-friendly racing games. Expect a few temper tantrums from younger gamers at least during the first few races.
I got a new laptop last week, it’s an HP and it has windows 8. Because i finally got a new laptop i decided to order a new lego racers 2 game, just came in today and i expected these past 3 hours to consist of playing the game. I’ve tried just about everything i could find from youtube videos to other software downloads and I’ve changed compatibility and -novideo and everything and i gave up a while ago then i found this site on my phone so i gave it a shot and it still did not work. Whenever i try to launch the game or press play my screen flashes black for a brief second and nothing happens at all. It’s so frustrating because I’ve wanted nothing more than to play this game and i fear i wont be able to. Any suggestions???:(
Tried updating DirectX end user runtimes? http://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/download/details.aspx?id=35
I had went and downloaded directx8a because when i try to install it from the lego racers 2 menu it just says “directx not found”. But i’ll download this one too, i just really want to play this game
You should only ever update DirectX from the Microsoft installer. Don’t use old versions on game CDs or elsewhere around the internet. What’s the graphics chip in your machine?
What exactly is the graphic chip??
The graphics processing unit (GPU), also called the graphics card (though typically it’s not a card in a laptop more a chip built into your PC). The System Information tool can tell you (under components/display).
All I can see is the resolution which is 1366 x 768 and I’m sure that’s not what you were asking for, right?
Just downloaded it, and it still doesn’t play. Just flashes black for a second when i click on it and thats it. Anything else??:/
I’ve downloaded and installed everything just fine but when I try to start up the actual game by clicking the LEGO racers 2 application, a black box the size of my whole computer screen pops up and then… nothing. If you have a solution please share. Thanks
I also get the black screen in Windows 8.1. I get the menus OK but when I start the race it all goes black.
Any advice……
Installation was easy enough with your Launcher, thanks for that.
But ‘Im experiencing some low FPS issues, especially when looking back.
Anybody got a tip for that?
What are your system specs?
Win 7 Home Premium 64bit
Intel i7-2670QM @ 2.2GHz
8GB Ram
nVidia GTX 660m
I downloaded the installer but once the game itself downloads I cannot play the game I can only create a car and character then the screen goes black after trying to load the sandy beach map
Same for me
how do I uninstall lego racers 2 that was installed using the installer on this page need it off
Might be I forgot to write the uninstaller (don’t have time to check at the moment) but you can manually delete the files/shortcuts if necessary.
Thanks for providing this installer fix! I’ve installed the game, but when I go to run the application, this system error message pops up:
‘The program can’t start because EAX.DLL is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.’
Any idea what the problem could be? I have no idea what a .DLL is D:
Installer link appears to be broken.
Brings up a 404 error page not found.
I’m lucky though: compatibility mode actually worked!
Link should be working for you again now.
Managed to install it, but can’t get onto the game. It’ll bring up the falling lego bricks in the opening screen and then freeze completely. Anyone have any ideas on what this might be?
This installer have a virus? guys?
False positive.
Why is it telling me I need the lego racers 2 CD? Why would I have the installer??
Here’s a screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/oWWhRnc.png
I can’t believe that this is even an issue, I’m honestly at a loss for words.
Our installers are for people who own the game and cannot install it on their new PC, not for piracy.
I have done all the necessary steps, but I cannot play the game! When I click on “Play” in the main menu, the screen flashes for less than a millisecond, and nothing happens. Please help me play a childhood classic again!
Does this still work for Windows 10?
It does. Anybody who cant start on windows 10, change compatibility for windows XP.
both setup and startup work no need to download installer fo windows 10
change compatibility on both to get them working
My game just give me black screen for a second when i try pressing the game start icon, and then it shuts down.
Then a message pops up where it tells me the optimal resolution for the game is 1366&768, and thats all the information im given, help please :)
im using win 10
i5 processor
4 gb ram
its a labtop from lenovo.
Thank you so much! I had so much fun playing it with my siblings when I was a kid. The setup is so easy. Did a quick test run of the game and its awesome. Although the only thing is, it wasn’t fullscreen where there was a little black panel on the left side of the screen. My screen is 1080p if that helps. I’m actually satisfied with the game, just letting you know bout the screen thing. Thanks!
Strange, should be panels both sides or stretched to fit, not sure, could be monitor settings or GPU settings.
you guys rock!
I was feeling nostalgic the other day with a craving for this game. I loved playing it as a child. But, a problem has arisen…The link for your installer appears to be broken again! You wouldn’t mind fixing it would you? Thanks!
Someone sent us a DMCA takedown for that file, we’ve no idea who or why, especially since I wrote it. I’ve filed a counter-claim as I can’t see how a simple patch violates anyone’s copyright.
Well, it’s a good thing I managed to install it anyway! Copyright laws are complex things, if you win, fantastic. If not, don’t get yourself in trouble over this. Somehow, I managed to install it and it seems to play fine, even without your workaround.
Thanks for the reply and your efforts to encourage us nostalgic gamers.
Whenever I go over to sparky on the first level nothing happens I am a big fan of the Lego Xalax racers, and I want to play this game but I cannot! Please help me out here.
By nothing I am just waiting there while sparky just stares at me
I am using Windows7.
After installing when starting the game, the resolutions changes. blackscreen, nothing opens, resolution back to normal.
That’s it.
Anyone got a similar issue? Anyone got a solution for this?
Start doesn’t work no sound just flashes black and changes resolution. Won’t start. Any tips?
Is there no way to install the CD files?
I couldn’t wait to play this game again! I got it running but I’ve run into a problem. I have a 16:9 monitor and no matter what I do I cannot get the game to run at 4:3. It always stretches to fill the screen—even when I set my global aspect ratio to 4:3 in Windows settings! For some reason the 4:3 setting on my physical monitor is grayed out, so that’s not an option either. Anyone know how I could fix this?
On an Nvidia card, try changing the scaling options in Nvidia control panel.
I have an AMD Radeon but I figured it out! Thanks!
there is no instruction on where to get the cdrom
installed and immediately stuck on “can’t find lego racers 2 cdrom”
this guide is terrible
You can purchase the CD rom on Amazon or eBay. Our guides are for people who own legitimate copies of their games, not software pirates.
Hi, downloaded installer and followed instructions yet I still get the same not enough memory pop up. Running windows 10.
Thanks for writing this installer fix! I’ve installed the game, but when I go to run the game, this system error message pops up:
‘The program can’t start because EAX.DLL is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.’
Any idea how to get the missing dll or how to fix it?
First: thanks for all your efforts to help others.
I am trying to install this for my son on a Win10.
I get the error that it can’t find the CD-ROM.
I have the CD in the D: drive and windows can see it and all the files on it.
However, your installer can’t seem to find it.
Any advice?
Unfortunately you may have a different version to mine (different region, later edition) and that’s what’s stopping the installer from working.